Lost Your Job /
Rapid Response
When you receive notification you no longer have a job, we help:
employers: bring job seeking resources on-site
employees: find your next job
Help After You Receive a Layoff Notice / Rapid Response
Job Center of Wisconsin (JCW) >>
First step in receiving benefits and unemployment is to register with Job Center of WI.
For JCW registration issues or questions call: 1-888-258-9966
Dena Daentl, Employment & Training Supervisor, WI Job Service​
Ray Heidel, Employment & Training Specialist, WI Job Service
In-Person Services
Computer usage, assistance with unemployment filing, resume and interviewing assistance.
La Crosse Job Center/ Workforce Development Center of Western Wisconsin
2615 East Avenue South – Suite 101, La Crosse, WI
Unemployment Insurance >>
Unemployment Insurance is an employer-paid insurance program that helps workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. It provides temporary financial help to qualified individuals while they are looking for other work.
Unemployment Insurance contact: 414-435-7069
Redevelop Your Sills - Workforce Connections Inc, >>
Assist laid-off & unemployed to develop then carry out plan for reemployment through skills training.
Tina Tucker, WIOA Career Planner, 608-386-5782, email >>
Gidget Gade, WIOA Career Planner, 608-386-4111, email >>
Megan Walters, WIOA Career Planner, 608-386-5639, email >>
Health Insurance Continuation
Another program of Workforce Connections Inc. >> Help individuals and families look at options for health insurance coverage
​Wanda Palmer, Healthcare Navigator, 608-790-8136, email >>
Kelly Becker, Healthcare Navigator, 608-386-8629, email >>
​Veteran Services
Crystal Strand, Career Services for Veterans, 608-405-4057, email >>
Erin Rice, Local Veterans’ Employment Representative, 608-405-4139, email >>
Back to School - Western Technical College >>
Assistance available to gain credit for prior learning and assist in enrolling in educational programs.
Kim Panzer, Admissions Coach/ Credit for Prior Learning/Experience Advisor, (608) 785- 9873, email >>